What is the Collaboration Collaborative
The Collaboration Collaborative is a mastermind pod dedicated to helping individuals cultivate more positive, productive, and successful collaborations. The pod consists of a small number of professionals from diverse industries who want to:
Deepen their collaboration skills
Obtain coaching to enhance their collaborations
Receive critical feedback on their collaboration materials, and
Broaden their professional networks

We meet for one hour per week. Each week we focus on a different question about collaboration. Deb presents a piece of her collaboration curriculum. Then, through Q&A, we apply the ideas to participants’ work worlds and talk through sticky situations participants are encountering in their real life collaborations.
You will receive high-quality advice on how to collaborate effectively -- frameworks, tools, tips, and mindsets that set the personal, interpersonal, cross-functional, organizational and inter-organizational stages for effective collaboration. These are tools you’ll be able to deploy immediately within your local context.
We keep the group small, so you’ll get a lot of contact with Deb (including group-based collaboration coaching and, if you choose, 1:1 coaching, as well as feedback from Deb on your foundational collaborative documents and anytime access to her advice). And, you’ll have the opportunity to form real relationships with other collaboration enthusiasts.
Think of this professional development experience as 1 part content, 1 part executive coaching, and 1 part peer support.
Who Benefits From Pod Participation?
This professional development experience is for you if you’ve ever thought, “Jeez, even with amazing partners, collaboration is such a heavy lift!” Or “Why do I always end up doing all the work on teams?”, “Is it just me, or has this collaboration turned into a headless zombie?”, or “I should have just done this myself.”
Many of us feel that collaboration is something we should do to create more inspired products at work, to save the world, and to do amazing things in our communities. But, collaboration is hard! Good ideas and best intentions fizzle without proper support and know-how.
And, yet, few of us ever receive any formal training on how to collaborate well.
Well, here’s your chance. This mastermind pod will help you achieve more...together. If there’s an opportunity you’d like to leverage or a challenge you need to overcome: this pod will help. Turn to this pod for the support you need to create more positive, productive, and successful collaborations.

Who Facilitates The Pod?
Myco founder Dr. Deb Mashek hosts the pod. She is an award winning teacher, social psychologist, researcher, collaboration expert, and former Associate Dean of Faculty Development.
Deb is an experienced professor, higher ed administrator, and national non-profit executive. She has spent the past 15 years leveraging her expertise in the psychology of relationships to facilitate collaborative action within nuanced academic spaces.
In 2020, she was named one of the Top 35 Women in Higher Education by Diverse: Issues in Higher Education. Quoted in outlets including The New York Times, The Atlantic, The Wall Street Journal, Business Week, Forbes, and The Chronicle of Higher Education, her writing has appeared in The Hechinger Report, Inside Higher Ed, University Business Insider, Reason Magazine, The Hill, and Psychology Today. Read more about Deb here.
What's Expected of Pod Participants?
If you’re selected for the pod, you are 100% expected to do the work. Apply only if you are able and willing to fully commit to the pod. In other words: Do any prework. Attend every session. Engage fully. Put down your cell phone. Limit other distractions. Share your wisdom with others.
How Do I Sign Up?
If you’re interested, please complete this form. If, after reviewing your application and talking to you 1:1 about your needs and interests, Deb feels you’d be a good fit for the pod, she’ll extend the formal invitation to participate.
In the meantime, if you’d like to receive collaboration tips, tricks, and tools delivered straight to your inbox, swing by www.myco.consulting to sign up.
What's The Investment To Participate in the Pod?
When it comes to collaboration, one size does not fit all. Leveraging our Collaborative Action Model, we tailor each engagement to address the specific needs, challenges, and contexts of our clients.

QUESTIONS: Reach out with any questions or suggestions, or even just to request that we keep you in the loop as pods develop. hello@myco.consulting
What Our Clients & Collaborators Say
She offers
concrete solutions
"Deb’s deep familiarity with the nuances of the academy and the
challenges of inter-institutional collaboration enabled her to quickly and
accurately diagnose our needs, build rapport with stakeholders, and offer
concrete solutions that supported our mission.”
- Consortium Director
Strategic planning &
organizational development
"Deb brings a wealth of practical experience to the challenge of assessing opportunities and obstacles to strategic planning, organizational development, and collaborative change management. She is acutely perceptive and outcomes oriented. Deb's pragmatic processes help organizations and institutions catalyze nascent opportunities into actionable outcomes." - Michael Nanfito,
Nanfito & Associates
each group's goals
"...Deb is the person every senior leader wants to have on their team and in their corner. Deb not only takes time to understand each groups' goals, but really synthesizes the information in order to forge new pathways that move the needle and accomplish audacious objectives."
- Kristina Powers,
Institute for Effectiveness
in Higher Education